"Warriors' Spirit, Conquers Mindset!"
The CHCORI Raiders are split into 5 units/teams.
Consisting of (A)lpha, Mixed, (B)ravo, Foxtrot, and (C)harlie.
While they share the names, they have nothing to do with the companies.
Practices consist of studying and applying the raider curriculum:
PT, first aid, and land navigation.
Raiders practice Monday through Thursday after school from 2:45pm-4:30pm
Competitions consist of 5 events:
rope bridge, litter carry, 5k run, obstacle relay, TPFC.
Raiders are asked to complete "raider homework"
It is simply at home conditioning at their own pace. As well as drinking half their bodyweight in oz. of water everyday.
Raiders are issued water devices and uniforms (OCPs) for competitions.
Raiders, As One Hoorah!
The Raiders command consists of three cadets. A commander, assistant officer, and a designated NCO, all tasked with cultivating and nurturing the cadets.
The raiders command is led by our Senior Army Instructor, LTC(R) Roos.
CHCORI Raiders
The CHCORI Raiders team have participated in a variety of competitions where
battalions from other schools compete against one another in highly intensive
tests of physical fitness.
Competitions participated in:
Orange County Raiders Comp (6+)
Pocahontas Raiders Comp (5+)
Best of the Best Raiders Comp (4+)
Magna Vista Raiders Comp (4+)
Manchester Raiders Comp (4+)
Fort Pickett Competition (2+)
Spring Fling (3+)
Fishburne Raiders Competition (2+)