"Triple Threat"
The CHCORI Drill team is split into 7 units/teams.
Consisting of Unarmed/Armed Squad, Unarmed/Armed Platoon, Unarmed/Armed Inspection, and Color Guard.
Practices consist of studying and applying the drill curriculum:
Basic drill, general knowledge, Chain of Command, Years, etc.
Drill practice every Tuesday and Wednesday after school from 2:45pm-4:30pm
Drill cadets are asked to study commands and their study packet.
Competitions consist of 3 or more events:
Unarmed/Armed Squad, Unarmed/Armed Platoon, Unarmed/Armed Inspection, and Color Guard
Drill members are issued class A's for competitions.
C-H-C-O-R-I Hoorah!
The Raiders command consists of three cadets. A commander, assistant officer, and a designated NCO, all tasked with cultivating and nurturing the cadets.
The command is led by our Army Instructor, MSG(R) Mallard.
CHCORI Drill Team
The CHCORI Drill team have participated in a variety of competitions where battalions from other schools compete against one another in highly intensive tests of Drill command and execution.
Competitions participated in:
TC Williams Drill Competition (3+)
Caroline County (1)
MLK Drill Competition (2+)
Forestville Drill Comp (1)
Fairmont Heights Drill Comp (1)
Spotsy (BTS) Drill Comp (1)
Fort Lee Drill Comp (1)
Dinwiddie Drill Comp (1)
Nationals Drill Comp (1)
DC Drill Comp (1)
Atholton Drill Comp (1)
March Madness Drill Comp (1)