2023-2024 Photos

Rising freshmen take their first steps towards new territory...

Cadets take place in the JROTC Cadet Leadership Challenges, featuring rifle practices, physical fitness, and unique challenges!

Cadets participate in Courtland High School's 2023 Homecoming game with the posting of the colors and the arc of sabers
2022-2023 Photos

Rising freshmen take their first steps towards new territory...

Cadets take place in the JROTC Cadet Leadership Challenges, featuring rifle practices, physical fitness, and unique challenges!

The annual JROTC event provide the opportunity for many collective schools to unite and compete against one another in a spirited contest of physical endurance and teambuilding!
2021 Photos

A drill competition held at Atholton High School where marching units performs routines based on military drill.

The annual December Awards Ceremony is held to celebrate the promotion and awards earned by cadets. Parents were welcome to attend to see the achievements of their cadet!

An annual service learning project takes place in the form of giving out gift boxes to the community!
2020 Photos

The annual Change of Command is held to bid farewell to graduating senior cadets and celebrate the coming of a new chain of command.

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2019 Photos

The CHCORI JROTC Drill team competes in the TC Williams High drill competition, where cadets can perform armed or unarmed drill during competitive events!

A raider's competition is held at Century High where cadets from their respective Battalions have at it in a series of competitive physical events!r image

Hard working cadets come together to clean up a trail!
2018 Photos

The annual Braswell Run is held to honor the passing of Braswell.

Cadets come together to hold the annual community service in the form of a public car wash!e your image

A raider's competition is held where cadets from their respective Battalions have at it in a series of competitive physical events!
2017 Photos

Rising freshmen take their first steps towards new territory...

Rising freshmen take their first steps towards new territory...

Raider Competitions are athletic competitions held at JROTC programs around the world. Cadets from the CHCORI Raider Team compete against other schools in tests of physical fitness.
2016 Photos

Cadets come together to hold the annual community service in the form of a public car wash!steps towards new territory...

Rising freshmen take their first steps towards new territory...
2015 Photos

March along... sing our song!

Cadets take place in the JROTC Cadet Leadership Challenges, featuring obstacle courses, highly intensive physical fitness, and unique challenges!

Fun Raiders rappeling moments!